Explanation of the Complaint Process

Persons practicing in the profession of public accountancy within the State of Georgia are required by state law to be licensed under the Georgia State Board of Accountancy. These requirements are published in Georgia law; the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, (O.C.G.A.) Title 43. The General Assembly passed House Bill 291 during the 2014 Legislative Session which provided that the Georgia State Board of Accountancy be transferred from the Secretary of State to the State Accounting Office.

  • Complaint Process

    If you wish to file a complaint concerning the practice of a licensee, you should submit the Download this pdf file. complaint  in writing to the Georgia State Board of Accountancy. Upon receipt of your complaint, you will receive an acknowledgement from the board. Download this pdf file. Download the complaint form


    Georgia State Board of Accountancy

    (404) 463-0365
    Visit: (details)

    200 Piedmont Avenue SE
    Suite 1604, West Tower
    Atlanta, GA 30334

    Mail to

    200 Piedmont Avenue SE
    Suite 1604, West Tower
    Atlanta, GA 30334

  • Requirements

    Your complaint must include your name, address and telephone number; the name and address of the person being reported; a detailed description of the violation, and any other pertinent information. This means all supporting documents (i.e. business records, cancelled checks, billing statements, proposals, etc.) that could be used to support your complaint.